1860 Munich: Verlaat becomes the 7th newcomer – Waldhof offer rejected

Waldhof offer rejected

Central defender Jesper Verlaat is moving from Waldhof Mannheim to TSV 1860 Munich. According to information from the portal “the blue24The 25-year-old rejected an offer from his club to extend his expiring contract, the former Bremen player had already reached an agreement with the “Lions”.

Update 9:20 am: The club officially confirmed the transfer on Tuesday morning. Both sides did not comment on the contract period, according to “db24”, the defender signed a working paper dated until 2024.

Sport Managing Director Günther Gorenzel said: “Together with our coach Michael Köllner, we managed to convince Jesper of our ambitious concept and after intensive and extensive negotiations we were also able to reach an agreement in the economic area. With Jesper, we’re getting a player who will not only benefit the entire team, but also our defensive talents from our own NLZ ‘die Bayerische Junglöwen’ in their further development.”

Jesper Verlaat said about his new job at TSV 1860: “It’s an honor to be a lion now! I will do everything to meet both the expectations of the many Löwen fans and the demands I have on myself.”

The 1.92 meter tall defender is the fourth central defender in the “Sixty” squad for the coming season alongside Semi Belkahia (23), Niklas Lang (20) and Leandro Morgalla (17) and is intended to give coach Michael Köllner’s young defensive department additional stability to lend. To date, the third division team had primarily strengthened their attacking side, and Verlaat is the seventh new signing in the current transfer window.

The son of former Bundesliga professional Frank Verlaat comes to the Isar with experience from 32 second division and 132 third division games. In addition to 1860, FC Ingolstadt, Dynamo Dresden and MSV Duisburg were also reportedly interested in his services. In 2018, the native of Zaanstad switched from the secondary representation of SV Werder Bremen to SV Sandhausen on a free transfer, two years later he joined Waldhof Mannheim. At Waldhof, Verlaat was one of the permanent staff last season, played 30 league games in the defensive center (1 goal) and only once did not go the full distance.


J. Verlaat

SV Waldhof Mannheim

Waldh. Manheim
SV Waldhof Mannheim


TSV 1860 Munich
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