18 gifts, mother and daughter in dialogue at a distance: the film with Benedetta Porcaroli

D.fter the shift of the schedule last week, the first tv of 18 Gifts come up tonight Rai 1 at 9.25pm.

Directed by Francesco Amato in 2020, the film is inspired by true story of Elisa Girotto, a woman with cancer who, before dying, decided to leave her daughter a series of gifts to accompany her during her growth even after her death.

18 Gifts: the plot

Elisa (Vittoria Puccini) she is married to Alessio and is pregnant with their first child. During a follow-up visit, discovers she is ill. She decides to carry on the pregnancy and bequeath to the unborn child 18 gifts, one for each year until the age of majority, to accompany her as she grows. Although in a virtual way.

Year after year, it is his father Alessio (Edoardo Leo) to deliver gifts to Anna (Benedetta Porcaroli)in the presence of grandparents and loved ones, during the fixed appointment of the birthday party. When Anna turns 18instead of waiting for the moment when she will unwrap the last gift, she is overwhelmed by a feeling of rejection and a strong desire for rebellion.

Riccardo Scamarcio and Benedetta Porcaroli: it is love between the two stars of Italian cinema

He then decides to escape from the party organized in his honor and starts wandering around the street, until is hit by a car.

With the impact Anna undertakes a exrtasensory journey in which he finally meets his mother. They talk, they tell each other, they confront each other, they clash, they know each other. A a sweet and sometimes painful journeywhich touches the deepest chords of the human soul. For Anna, a necessary journey to be able to make peace with both lifewho deprived her of the greatest love, both with her father.

18 gifts plot cast actors mother Benedetta Porcaroli Vittoria Puccini

Vittoria Puccini and Benedetta Porcaroli.

When she concludes her journey and returns to “earthly” life, she is ready to read the letter her mother left her for her 18 years. A letter that Elisa wrote shortly before she died. An emotional testament, which serves as a vademecum for Anna’s life.

«Dear Anna», he writes, «I would like to tell you many things. I would like to transfer my way of doing and thinking to you. I would like to be there in times of difficulty, but you can’t. Destiny has thus decided. I know you must be thinking “Still these gifts, what a drag!”but you don’t know how much good it did me. This is my latest gift and I hope you like it. Now you have become a woman and I love you madly. Your mom”.

After reading the letter and unwrapping the giftAnna is ready to move on with her life.

18 movie gifts before tv plot

Who was Elisa Girotto

Elisa Girotto she lived in the province of Treviso, was employed in a bank and was about to become a mother. A quiet life like many others. Unfortunately, however, fate turns out to be mocking and, shortly after giving birth to her daughter Anna, she discovers she has breast cancer.

When the time available is running out, together with your partner Alessio Vicenzotto they decide to get married. It is August 12, 2017 and the woman will die the following month, on September 29, at the age of 40. The story of Elisa Girotto has jumped to the headlines thanks to the way she decided to stay next to her daughter despite the absence.

Leaving them, that is, 18 gifts, accompanied by a card, to be unwrapped from the first to the eighteenth year of age. A moving story, which will also excite those who watch the film in prime time on Rai 1. A film that tries to describe the range of feelings with delicacy and realism that Elisa felt when she was deprived of the possibility of seeing her little girl grow up.

18 actor movie plot gifts

Among the prizes, 1 David and two nominations for the Silver Ribbons

18 Gifts it achieved good results both at the box office, where it grossed over 3 million euros, and in terms of critics.

In fact, the film received three nominations for the David di Donatello 2021achieving victory in the David Giovani category, and two nominations for the Nastri d’Argento 2020one for the best leading actress, Benedetta Porcaroli, and one for the best editing, Claudio Di Mauro.

The ascent of Benedetta Porcaroli

To play Anna is the young actress in great demand. Born in 1998, debuted on the small screen in 2015 with fiction Anything could happento continue the following year at the cinema with Perfect strangers. From there on, a quick ascent.

She was the star of the Netflix series Baby and, in addition to 18 Giftsstarred in movies The Catholic school, 7 women and a mystery, The hummingbird And The shadow of the day. In the latter, released in cinemas on February 24, she appears next to Riccardo Scamarcio42 years old, his companion even in life.

Both refractory to gossip, to circulate the rumors of an alleged relationship some shots were stolen. Today they no longer hide, but they do not indulge in statements about their private life. Before Scamarcio, Benedetta Porcaroli was linked to director Michele Alhaique.

