18 children and three adults killed in shooting at Texas elementary school

the horror of the Firearms does not breathe USA. In a country where the massacre at the Sandy Hook school in 2012 marked one of the darkest points in that infamy, with 26 deaths, including 20 minors, this Tuesday the tragedy has returned to another elementary school, in this case in Uvaldea small town of 16,000 inhabitants in Texas. there a shooting committed by a local youth has left 18 children and three adults killed according to State Rangers sources.

The perpetrator of the massacre, who has died presumably from police shooting, he has been identified by state police as Salvador Ramos. Earlier, the governor of Texas, Republican Gregg Abbott, has reported that it was a 18-year-old from Uvaldewhich is located about 140 kilometers west of San Antonio, near the border with Mexico.

According to the governor, the suspect parked his car in the Robb Elementary school parking lot and entered the school armed with a pistol and possibly a rifle. “He horribly shot and killed, in an incomprehensible way, 14 students and a teacher & rdquor ;, Abbott has said using the first official data on the victims, which has since increased.

In another brief press conference, the local police explained that they work on the assumption that the author acted alone. As they have assured, there is also injured in addition to fatalities.

At the time of writing these lines, there was no information on the potential motivation of the author of the massacre, who has acted in a school with just under 600 students. The school district to which the center belongs is a 90% Hispanic and the 85% are from families with economic difficulties.

The president of the USA, Joe Biden, who was returning from his trip to Asia, has been informed of the news of the shooting, according to White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre. “Their sentences They are with the families impacted by this horrible event & rdquor ;, has also said the press secretary, who has reported that Biden will make statements when landing in Washington.

212 shootings this year

This shooting, number 212 so far this year in the United States according to data from the Gun Violence Archivecomes ten days after the racist massacre in a supermarket in Buffalo, New York, by a white supremacist.

It is also, according to data provided by NPR, the incident number 27 with firearms that occurs within a school grounds in so far this year. According to a database since 2018 maintains the ‘Education Week’ publication, there have been 118 episodes shot since they began their analysis. In those of this year until this Tuesday there had been 40 injured and six dead.

No political solution

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Even without knowing at the moment the motives of the attacker in Uvalde, the shooting places the United States once again in the mirror of its problem with gun violencea question whose political solution with greater control has been tested so far unattainable.

For the republicansespecially, is almost dogma the staunch defense of the second amendment, which protects the right to bear firearms. Precisely the Texan governor, Abbottapproved last year a law that allows such weapons to be carried in public without need to get a license or practice any kind of training. Abbott planned to intervene this Friday in the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association to be held in Houston, in which the intervention of the former president is also announced donald trump and the senator from Texas Ted Cruz.
