175 dogs from horror breeder in Eersel already have a new owner

175 dogs that were taken from dog breeder Jan Paridaans in Eersel already have a new owner. The Animal Protection has relocated them, says a spokesperson. These are four-legged friends that were removed from the breeder in December last year. They did not receive proper care, were not kept properly and had health problems.

In total, all 700 dogs were seized. The breeder himself was arrested on Tuesday during a new inspection by the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority. For some time now, the company of the ‘horror breeder’ has been under scrutiny by several authorities, because of the many abuses.

According to the Animal Protection, a large part of the seized dogs end up at several reception locations of the organization via a temporary shelter. These are located in Enschede, Gouda, Zandvoort and Born, among others. From there, the dogs go to adoptive families.

“People must realize that they are bringing an adult dog into their home, which they have to take care of like a puppy,” says a spokesperson for the Animal Protection. “The dogs are not used to anything. They don’t know what it’s like to function in a family and they’re not potty trained yet.”

After the ‘Eersel dogs’, as they are called at the Animal Protection, arrive at the organization, they are screened several times. This is how doctors check how healthy the dogs are.

“In addition, employees in our shelters look at the behavior and character of the animals. This way we get an idea of ​​who a suitable, future owner could be,” explains the spokesperson for the Animal Protection. “The dogs are also well taken care of and employees of the dog departments of the shelters get to work with the animals. Trainers and behavioral experts can help if more guidance appears to be necessary.”

The intention is that the dogs will get a new home as soon as possible. And according to the Animal Protection, that goes ‘surprisingly fast’, according to the 175 dogs that already have a new owner.

‘Started at zero’
After a dog has been given a new ‘home’, the Animal Protection Service keeps in touch with the owners. For example, adoptive families can turn to employees of the Animal Protection with questions. “If more guidance is needed, behavioral experts or trainers can lend a hand,” says the spokesperson.

In general, according to the Animal Protection, the rehomed dogs are doing well. “Especially when you consider that we basically started from scratch with the animals.”


Horror breeder Eersel arrested, all dogs seized

Controversial dog breeder goes on and on: questions and answers
