17-year-old girl stabbed and robbed in Hilversum, bystanders overpower suspect

A 17-year-old girl was stabbed in the shoulder by a man in Hilversum. She was waiting with her bicycle at the traffic light on the Brinkweg near the Gooise Brink parking garage. Two bystanders who saw it happening overpowered the man and handed him over to the police.

Inter Visual Studio / Jan Peter Otto

The incident happened on Friday afternoon around a quarter to six. The 37-year-old man stole the girl’s bag, but was then chased and overpowered by two resolute bystanders. He was arrested and taken to the police station. According to the police, he made ‘an absent impression’.


The girl suffered minor injuries to her shoulder and was treated for it. Despite the great shock, she was approachable.
