15-year-old boy arrested for stabbing in Purmerend in which teenager (17) was injured

The police arrested a 15-year-old boy from Purmerend tonight on suspicion of involvement in the stabbing incident in which a 17-year-old teenager was injured on Tuesday evening. This stabbing incident happened at the Dotterbloem in Purmerend. The victim was taken to hospital for treatment.

The 17-year-old had problems on Tuesday evening around 8:35 p.m. in the parking lot of De Gors shopping center. It is still unclear what exactly preceded the stabbing.

After the report, the parking lot was immediately cordoned off to investigate the stabbing incident. Soon the police announced that they had two suspects in mind. A third may have been involved. More arrests are therefore not ruled out.

Unrest after series of incidents

The past week has been restless in Purmerend for some time. On Tuesday evening, a group of about ten to twenty boys and girls robbed a 14-year-old boy of his belongings. This young victim was assaulted and sprayed with paint. Two teenagers aged 13 and 16 were arrested yesterday for this.

That same evening, a group of thirty waited for an 18-year-old man at Zaandijk station. He too was beaten up and robbed. Police do not believe there is a connection between these two incidents.
