14-year-old footballer died in training

The boy felt ill at the D’Annibale stadium in Priverno (Latina). Heart massage is useless

A sudden fatigue. Then the illness while she was in the door, the heart that she stops beating and the useless help despite being immediate. Thus died a footballer from the youth team of Priverno, a town in the province of Latina. The team was training at the D’Annibale stadium to prepare for next Sunday’s match against Aurora Vodice Sabaudia, when Matteo Pietrosanti, a 14-year-old goalkeeper, began to feel ill. Although tired, the very young player remained on the pitch thinking it was nothing serious. Instead Matteo collapsed on the ground unconscious.

Unnecessary help

Immediate help and heart massage, then the arrival of the ambulance and the resuscitation attempt with a defibrillator with the help of the carabinieri present and also the arrival of a 118 helicopter. All useless. Matteo died there, even in front of some of the parents present in the stands, who immediately warned Matteo’s father and mother, who rushed to the Priverno stadium, arriving when it was late. The boy, from Bassiano, was attending the second year of a technical institute in Latina. The Prosecutor’s Office has opened an investigation and now the outcome of the autopsy is awaited to establish the causes of death.

The previous

The sports field in via San Lorenzo in Priverno had already been the scene of a similar tragedy in 2010. It was the then 19-year-old Lorenzo Giannandrea who collapsed on the pitch during a tournament match: that day the transport to the Terracina hospital was useless. . A terrible coincidence.
