13 apps you should delete from your smartphone immediately

Again and again, malware hides in Android apps that can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. Anti-virus specialists have now found 13 malicious apps that are used by millions.

The IT security company McAfee As part of an investigation, found 13 apps in the Google Play Store that were infected with malware. Some of the apps have been downloaded millions of times and are therefore on the smartphones of numerous Android users. Google itself has meanwhile removed them from the Play Store, but users of the apps must actively delete them from their cell phones.

Smartphone optimization apps are affected

The affected apps load malware onto the cell phone unnoticed by the user when they are installed. Ironically, to gain access rights to the smartphone without raising suspicion, the malware disguises itself as a disk space or power manager. So you literally load the wolf in sheep’s clothing onto your device.

Once the apps malware is installed on the smartphone, it continuously displays ads. In addition, the malware automatically runs malicious services upon installation, without the need for the app itself to be in use. What is particularly common is that the apps disguise themselves so that users do not recognize them as infected programs and possibly delete them. To do this, they simulate familiar icons by hiding them as “Settings” or “Google Play” in the app overview, for example.

The malware hides on the smartphone by independently changing the app icon and name.Photo: McAfee

Which apps are affected by the malware?

McAfee found a total of 13 apps infected with malware. All of them have been downloaded thousands of times by users on their Android smartphones. If you have one of the applications listed below installed on your mobile phone, delete it immediately.

  • Junk Cleaner – 1 Million+ Downloads
  • EasyCleaner – 100,000+ downloads
  • Power Doctor – 500,000+ downloads
  • Super Clean – 500,000+ downloads
  • Full Clean – Clean Cache – 1 Million+ Downloads
  • Fingertip Cleaner – 500,000+ downloads
  • Quick Cleaner – 1 Million+ Downloads
  • Keep Clean – 1 Million+ Downloads
  • Windy Clean – 500,000+ downloads
  • Carpet Clean – 100,000+ downloads
  • Cool Clean – 500,000+ downloads
  • Strong Clean – 500,000+ downloads
  • Meteor Clean – 100,000+ downloads

Google regularly removes infected apps

For years, Google has been deleting apps infected with malware or other malicious software from the Play Store. However, as soon as the company takes action and removes the infected apps, new malicious apps appear. Developers of such malware often use social networks to promote their apps. From there, links often lead directly to the Play Store. Users should therefore pay particular attention to which apps they install on their smartphones.

Also read: Memory guzzlers – better delete unused, pre-installed apps

Joker malware has been a problem for a long time

Despite regular checks, some malware keeps popping up. The Joker malware, for example, caused some trouble for Android users in 2020. What makes Joker so difficult to detect is the sophisticated tactics used to get the malware onto smartphones. When installing apps from the Play Store, a small part of the malware hides in the advertisements or the app itself. Only when users run the app and certain criteria for user data, network provider and end device are met does the smaller component load the actual malware down from the internet.

As “forbesAs reported at the time, Joker remains hidden even then and can read out contact lists, SMS and other user data in the background. Through its access to SMS messages, Joker can also subscribe smartphone owners to paid internet services that require SMS confirmation. However, the user only becomes aware of all this when it is too late.

the IT lab security researcher Zscaler have found outwhy Joker is so successful. The malware keeps changing parts of the code and installation method to evade detection. The lab evaluated 17 apps that were put on the Play Store in September 2020 and have been downloaded a total of 120,000 times since then.

Google has meanwhile removed the apps from the Play Store. On smartphones where they are already installed, they must be removed manually. If you have one of the apps listed here on your smartphone, TECHBOOK advises you to uninstall it as soon as possible.

Also read: Do I need virus protection for my smartphone?

How to protect yourself

Since Google continues to struggle with malware that is so good at hiding, much of the blame lies with users. You can protect yourself by paying close attention to the access an app requests with each installation. For example, if a PDF scanner or translator wants access to SMS, contacts, call history, and more, you should be suspicious. If you are unsure, the app ratings in the Play Store can often help. If there are many negative voices and warnings here, you should keep your hands off the app.
