12 tips to make Google searches more effective

Google can return millions of results for a search term. With the right tricks, the search results can even be refined and narrowed down. TECHBOOK gives twelve tips that show what other functions can be hidden behind the boring search bar.

How well do you know Google? The search giant is the window to the Internet for many, and a corresponding number of searches are processed every day. Google is now the market leader for desktop searches by a wide margin of 83 percent. When it comes to mobile devices, Google leads even more. TECHBOOK shows which tips and tricks you should know when searching with Google so that you can get everything out of the search engine. Plus, Google can do so much more than just search for content…

1. Find definitions

If you’re looking for the spelling of a foreign word, you don’t have to go straight to the dictionary: the search query becomes the command define: provided that Google provides a small definition of the searched word. Don’t forget the colon! This also works with English terms define: before a term.

With the command define: in front of the searched term, the dictionary is called up with a small definition.Photo: TECHBOOK Screenshot via Google

2. The Bundesliga at a glance

For a quick overview of matchday fixtures and past weeks’ results, complete with links to video summaries, you don’t need to visit a sports website – just type the word into Google Bundesliga enter, then the search engine provides a practical overview of all game days. If you add the word “table” to the end, the Bundesliga table will also be displayed.

View Bundesliga results quicklyPhoto: TECHBOOK

3. Mini-games on Google

Here is an important feature among the Google search tips and tricks when you have a lot of time. With Google you can not only search – the search engine even offers a few games to pass the time. Including classics like Solitaire and Pacman. One search is enough to play: About the terms solitaire, Tic-tac-toe and Pacman The option to play a round directly in the browser appears as the first search result.

The classic game Pacman as a mini game in the browser on the Google search website.
The classic game Pacman can be played as a mini game directly in the Google search browser.Photo: TECHBOOK Screenshot via Google

4. Search gifs

Looking for a gif but Giphy doesn’t bring you satisfactory results? Maybe Google can help: With the image search you can also search specifically for gifs. To do this, select “image search” under the search bar. Then simply select “Search filter” and then restrict the search under “Type” to “Gif” – it delivers Google image search only pictures with animations.

5. Narrow down numbers

Sometimes you only search for results from a certain time period or a price range – for example, you search for a smartphone in the price range of 100 to 200 euros. To limit the search to this price range, you can now simply connect both numbers with two dots. Then just type in the search box Smartphone 100..200 and Google automatically includes the prices in between in the search.

Also read: Does search engine Neeva compete with Google?

6. Metronome

Google also has a practical feature on board for musicians: if you search for the keyword metronomethe search engine provides a clock directly in the results.

Metronome on Google.Photo: TECHBOOK

7. Search for specific phrases

If you are looking for a specific quote and want to make sure that Google does not mix up the keywords you have entered, you can put the search terms in quotation marks. So you look for it “I am a Berliner”then you can be sure that Google is really only looking for the Kennedy quote and not for the four words in any combination.

Quotations from famous personalities can be found quickly.Photo: TECHBOOK

8. Exclude specific terms

For better search results, Google offers the option of excluding terms from the search: You can put a minus in front of terms that you do not want to see in the search results. For example you can on Google Buy smartphone -iPhone Enter if you don’t want to get results that include the Apple smartphone. However, it can happen with products that advertisements are placed despite the exclusion.

9. Find quotes

If you are looking for quotes from a famous person, Google has a few examples ready: If you are looking for the name of the person and the word is still there quotes then the search engine will provide a selection.

Google searches for a list of memorable quotesPhoto: TECHBOOK

10. Let Google add missing words

If you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for, you can also let Google add words by putting a “*” in the space. For example, if you are looking for a pasta recipe but want to get some inspiration first, you can look it up Noodles with * search and Google automatically fills in the space in the search.

11. Google as a calculator

If you don’t have a calculator handy, the Google search field will suffice. Simply enter the calculation and Google spits out the result along with a virtual calculator.


12. Only search on a single website

One of the most important Google search tips and tricks is the ability to search just a single web page. This special search is often more effective than the search forms built into the websites. All you have to do is enter “site:” in the search bar. Then enter the address of the website to be searched without spacing and then the topic to be searched for with spaces. For example, you can specifically search for articles about Netflix on TECHBOOK by typing site:techbook netflix enters.


  • extramarket share of search engines worldwide, accessed 11/17/22.
