112 news: ‘life-threatening situation’ in residential area • accident Werkendam

The storage of thousands of liters of helium in a garage in a residential area in Breda created a ‘life-threatening situation for the neighbourhood’. This is what Mayor Paul Depla of Breda said on Twitter yesterday after it became known that three thousand liters of helium had been found in a garage on Loenhoutstraat by boas of the municipality. The municipality referred to a ‘huge find’ of gas cylinders stacked on top of each other. 125 liters is the maximum allowed amount.

“And then there are also strict rules. For example, the bottles must be anchored and the room must be ventilated. None of this was the case in the garage in question,” says the municipality. The discovery was made after a tip from a resident.

The owner of the garage box indicated to the boas that he also rents out a second garage box on the Teteringsedijk in which laughing gas was stored. The boas found another 150 liters of unsafely stored laughing gas in this box. The maximum of 125 liters also applies here and the same strict safety rules apply.
