112 news: fire destroys garden sheds • drunk driver hits pole

A motorist went off the road this afternoon on the N65 from Vught towards Helvoirt. He drove a complete light pole out of the ground, after he had just failed to hit a tree. Officers who were on the scene could see with the naked eye that the man behind the wheel was completely drunk. When he got out of the car, he could barely stand on his feet.

The lamppost was dragged a few meters and came to lie partly on the side of the road in the opposite direction of travel. That is why one lane of the N65 from Helvoirt in the direction of Vught is temporarily closed to traffic.

The man was checked in an ambulance, and at first glance he did not appear to be seriously injured. The police formally let the man do an alcohol test, eventually he has to go to the station.
