11 Won after heavy turbulence in the air from Milaan to the United States | Buitenland

When there was heavy turbulence in the air from Milaan near Atlanta in the United States, eleven people were wounded. Only passengers as crew members of Delta Airlines will be letel op door het voorval.

Now that there is a lot that was landed in Atlanta, about eleven were brought to the Ziekenhuis. Het is momenteel onduidelijk hoe serious hun verwondingen zijn en of he nog other people light gewond zijn geraakt. In total there are 165 people on the board of the living room.

The turbulence is meant to be 60 kilometers from the best. Sowel Delta Airlines as the Amerikaanse air transport operator reported that it did not know what to do with a long-term windstorm that was to the south of the VS at the time it was calculated.

Toename van incidenten

Climatologists and meteorologists have always considered that the ‘clean air’ turbulence caused by climatic changes. Deze vorm van turbulentie, the heavier te voorspellen is vanwege het breaks van zuichtbare aanwijzingen zals clouds, comes vaker voor. Amerikaanse media signaleren een toenemend aantal incidenten warbij turbulentie slachtoffers veroorzaakt.

LEES OOK. Zeven occurred due to heavy turbulence in the air near Australia
