11 tips from opticians to protect your eyes while reading


Act at 14:48


The Spanish population does not have reading habits right when it comes to protecting vision. This is how forceful the experts of the National College of Opticians-Optometrists of Spain (CNOO) are for this International Book Day.

And it does not matter if we are users of the paper or the electronic book. We are not doing things right.

For this reason, opticians-optometrists recommend following a series of tips related to visual ergonomics, such as:

  • Adopt an upright posture
  • blink frequently
  • Rest your eyes for a few minutes observing a distant object or landscape
  • Use glasses or contact lenses to read under prescription.

Because as the dean of the CNOO explains, Juan Carlos Martinez Moral, If these indications are not followed when reading, “we can perceive unpleasant signs or symptoms:

  • eye dryness
  • itchy eyes
  • Double vision
  • Headaches”.

In addition, in the event that any of these symptoms appear, visual health specialists recommend going to an optical health establishment so that the optician-optometrist can carry out a complete visual examination and offer the best solution to compensate for this type of problem.

Computer Vision Syndrome

Some of these manifestations, such as eye fatigue, are typical of Computer Visual Syndrome (VIS).

It is a very common condition among those who regularly use any type of screen to read. We speak from poorly lit electronic books, to tablets, computers and mobile phones, among others.

Therefore, from the CNOO it is emphasized that, if we are going to read on digital media, these must be approved for reading.

In addition, they insist that it is necessary to compensate refractive defects such as myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism with glasses or contact lenses, since “prolonged misuse of a device, together with an uncompensated visual defect, can cause visual fatigue, headache and dizziness,” added Martínez Moral.

Better electronic book than mobile or any other type of screens

Opticians-optometrists explain that computers, tablets and mobile phones have something in common: they have screens that light up. And this is a significant inconvenience for the eyes of the user who has to keep his gaze fixed on a direct light source and causes visual fatigue.

In contrast, electronic books use electronic ink, which means that their screens are not illuminated, but instead offer an image that must be illuminated from outsideJust like with paper. For this reason, ambient light is key to comfortable vision.

However, “reading an electronic book, computer or paper book, regardless of whether the screen is backlit or not, can cause visual fatigue, so breaks every so often are recommended,” clarifies the dean of the CNOO.

Tips for correct reading on electronic devices

In order to avoid eye fatigue and other visual problems derived from poor reading habits, the CNOO recommends following these tips, especially for those who read through screens:

• Adopt an upright posture

To rest 5 minutes for every hour of reading.

• To relax the eye muscles, alternate vision between a near and far object every 20 minutes (looking out the window, for example).

blink frequently and, if there is dryness, go to the optician-optometrist.

Adjust screen brightness and contrast to match the lighting in the room.

• Try to read with the light appropriate (better if it is natural) and opt for side lighting to avoid reflections.

• When reading on a monitor, increase the screen refresh rate. A figure of 70-75 Hz is considered a good measure to reduce eye strain

• If using a ebookkeep it about 35-40 cm away from the eyes.

Adjust font size Of the device.

• Do not use electronic means if you are tired.

• Go to the optician-optometrist if you notice discomfort or any visual problem.
