11 Crypto Murders and Dangerous Transparency: Why Your Security is at Risk and How to Protect Yourself

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Recently, a large number of murder cases have shaken the crypto world. They make it clear that there are far more dangers in the crypto space than hackers and regulations. From alleged friends who turned into murderers, to criminal rings of contract killers and crypto criminals on whom the victims take revenge, to unsolved cases. Now delve into the frightening and instructive lessons of crypto crime cases. Finally, you will learn the lessons learned and how you can better protect yourself and your assets, especially if you are very wealthy.

The deaths that make waves

11 Crypto Murders and Dangerous Transparency Why Your Security is at Risk and How to Protect Yourself 2

Murder cases in the crypto sector are increasing day by day, with many new ones being added in the last few months. You will now find out what caused this development and what happened in detail in the following section.

Fernando Pérez Algaba: Found dismembered in suitcase

Missing crypto millionaire and influencer Fernando Pérez Algaba was found dead, his Body parts stowed in a suitcase. Children playing near a stream came across the grisly scene. The authorities were able to identify him based on his tattoos and fingerprints. The autopsy revealed that Algaba was shot at least three times before being dismembered. The police have already arrested a suspect and are continuing to investigate the case.

Lee Mi-yeon: Single mother killed by hitman ring

A couple admits to paying off the alleged murderer of a 48-year-old woman. The woman who owned large amounts of cryptocurrencies was was found dead at a dam in Daejeon last month. Yoo Sang-won and Hwang Eun-hee have admitted paying about $54,000 to 36-year-old Lee Kyung-woo, who police initially considered the main suspect. Both claim the money was “a favor” and admit a “conflict” with the victim over a “failed crypto investment.”. Seven people have been arrested so far in the case.

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Dr. John Forsyth: Emergency doctor found dead in lake

The hasty exit from his car and the personal belongings left behind, such as his wallet and laptop, already fueled the worst fears. It was on May 30th Body discovered in Beaver Lake, Arkansas. Forsyth’s ties to the crypto world and rumors of a 2022 kidnapping now raise dark questions. Was his death an accident or crypto-related murder?

Lhi Chiming and Cheng Jianan: Crypto couple found murdered

Lhi Chiming and his girlfriend Cheng Jianan were found dead in terrible conditions. While Chiming brutally murdered in the hallway became, Cheng suffocated in the bathtub. The two held over half a billion dollars worth of crypto assets and were in Bali to complete a crypto trade. A surveillance blindspot on the balcony and several hotel reservations raise questions about possible pursuers. Theories range from acts of revenge by the JY Group to a crypto heist gone wrong.

Christan Peev: Cruel end due to an alleged friendship

A former bartender and business partner turns out to be the suspected mastermind of a murderous plot against the crypto entrepreneur. In an upscale bar he met Vesco Valchinov, which ultimately ended in death. Surveillance cameras captured Peev’s final moments as he entered Valchinov’s apartment. A day later his was found dismembered remains in Sofia’s sewers. Further investigation revealed one deeper conspiracy with an accompliceKonstantin Subotinov, who helped dispose of the remains.

Nikolai Mushegian: The mysterious tweet that followed

Nikolai Mushegian was a well-known crypto developer and pioneer. Just hours before his sudden disappearance, he tweeted about “significant changes” in his life. This tweet sent the crypto community into a frenzy, but before anyone could find out more Mushegian disappeared. The investigation is still ongoing, but the lack of concrete evidence leaves room for wild speculation.

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Javier Biosca: A fraud, a death, no answers

Javier Biosca found himself at the center of one of the largest crypto fraud cases in Spanish history again. Shortly after the investigation began, he was found dead. The circumstances of his death remain a mystery Suspects range from suicide to murder. The investigation has stalled and the crypto community is full of questions that remain unanswered.

Tiantian Kullander: The billionaire who died in his sleep

Tiantian Kullander, a crypto billionaire, was found dead in his sleep. Although it was initially assumed that the death was natural, some inexplicable circumstances have sparked skepticism. From unusual transactions in his accounts right down to missing keys for his crypto wallets – the puzzles are piling up.

Vyacheslav Taran: A helicopter crash full of questions

Vyacheslav Taran, another prominent player in the crypto scene, died in a helicopter crash. What makes this case special are the circumstances surrounding the crash. The aircraft was technically sound and the weather conditions were good. The official investigation has not yet provided any clear answers, which only fuels the rumor mill.

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Park Mo: The man who died on the doorstep

Park Mo Crypto Murder

Park Mo was found dead on his doorstep. However, there were no signs of violence and no apparent reasons for his death. What makes him a special case, however, are his Connections to several crypto companies that had become the focus of investigations shortly before his death. The circumstances of his death raise more questions than they provide answers.

Gerald Cotten: Crypto Scammer’s Strange Death Certificate

Three years after the sudden death of QuadrigaCX CEO Gerald Cotten, many questions remain unanswered. He was still very young and is said to have died of Crohn’s disease on his honeymoon in India. With him, the access codes to crypto assets worth $250 million disappeared. Later investigations revealed that he was moving funds from the exchange to his personal accounts and was involved in dubious activities.

The double face of the blockchain

Blockchain technology offers transparency and security, However, it can also pose a threat to user privacy. With publicly viewable ledgers, it is possible to trace transactions back to their origins, which can pose a significant risk to personal security.

Thanks to the transparency of the blockchain, even personal purchases and a user’s entire assets can be made public. This would potentially allow you to track when rich people shop at which stores. In a world where cryptocurrencies are gaining traction, this information disclosure could be highly risky, especially for wealthy individuals.

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Alternatives and protective measures

Alternatives and protective measures

Given the growing concerns, technologies and solutions already exist that could protect user privacy. One of them are Zero-knowledge proofswhich can verify a transaction without revealing sensitive information.

There also exist Privacy coins like Monero and Zcash, which are designed to protect user anonymity. Technologies like CoinJoin can also be used to anonymize transactions, although these have recently also been reported to require KYC. Likewise are Hardware wallets in vaults another way to increase the security of crypto assets and, above all, holders.

Moreover, it can be for rich individuals For security reasons, it makes sense if they show off their wealth less and avoid making others jealous. But also that Contact with old friends can pose a possible danger, like Fernando Pérez Algaba. What the cases also show is that crypto crimes are not always worthwhile and can also be fatal because may take violent revenge on those cheated out of their savings. But also Contacts with crypto criminals can end fatally, if you get in their way.

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The world can be a very dark place at times and the murder cases in the crypto sector illustrate this once again, especially as the good nature of wealthy people has sometimes been taken advantage of. In addition, murder cases in the crypto sector shed new light on the risks of transparency that come with blockchain technologies. While transparency can be beneficial in some cases, it can be life-threatening for wealthy individuals. The cases show that there is much more than regulatory concerns to consider. Advances such as zero-knowledge proofs could represent essential tools for protecting privacy in the future. But other measures can also reduce the risks.

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About the author: Simon Feldhusen came into contact with the stock market for the first time 17 years ago and has been intensively involved in the topics of trading, cryptoassets, stocks, P2P, corporate finance, finance and entrepreneurship on a daily basis for more than 8 years. He has also been working as a copywriter and ghostwriter in the financial sector for several years. During this time he has acquired a diversified knowledge through various training courses on the financial markets and following daily news. Since then, not a day goes by without him dealing with the markets. He publishes, among others, for Finanz.net, ETF-Nachrichten.de, Coincierge.de and P2E News.com.
