1,000 euros disappeared from the credit card – A teammate accuses Julia Simon of fraud

Julia Simon allegedly swiped her national teammate’s credit card.

There are fierce accusations about Julia Simon. PDO

Biathlon world champion and Olympic medalist Julia Simon26, is accused of payment instrument fraud, French RMC Sport write.

Simon’s national team mate Justine Braisaz-Bouchet claims that Simon used her credit card without authorization to make online purchases. A person belonging to the background group of the French team has also reported a similar fraud.

According to the claims, more than 1,000 euros of money was burned.

The incident is said to date back to last summer, when the French team traveled to Norway for the winter sports event Blinkfestivalen.

The national team held a disciplinary meeting at the beginning of June, where the issue was discussed, but no solution was reached at that time.

Simon has denied the allegations.

The French star won gold in the pursuit of the World Championships in Oberhof in February and in the double relay in Pokljuka in 2021. At the Beijing Olympics in 2022, he won silver in the mixed relay.

Braisaz-Bouchet was crowned Olympic winner in the joint start race in Beijing.

Justine Braisaz-Bouchet wondered about her credit card balance. PDO

Story edited on 5.7. 1:35 p.m.: Corrected the photo of Julia Simon in the story.
