100 police officers accompany the Olympic flame

Due to concerns about politically motivated disruptions, the Olympic flame will be protected in a “security bubble” by around 100 police officers on its way to Paris. France’s Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin presented this concept at a press conference on Monday.

Within this bubble, 18 plainclothes police officers are supposed to ensure “close protection” of the respective torchbearer. A mobile police unit consisting of around 100 officers positioned in front and behind the convoy will also be tasked with dealing with “any form of public unrest,” the minister said. Elite units would also be used. Darmanin cited sit-ins as an example of possible disruptions. The main risk comes from “ultra-left environmental collectives,” said the 41-year-old.

The torch relay begins on May 8th in Marseille and ends in Paris on the opening day of the Summer Olympics, July 26th. The torch relay will pass through “100 iconic locations,” “more than 400 cities” and five overseas territories. The overseas territories should spend 150,000 euros; securing the route will cost the Interior Ministry one million euros, according to Darmanin.

5,000 police and gendarmes are to be mobilized for the torch’s arrival in Marseille, where 150,000 people are expected.
