100 euros fine for the ‘unvaccinated’ from Tuesday in Italy

02/01/2022 at 01:00


Italy will impose fines on those not vaccinated starting this Tuesday, as confirmed to this newspaper Italian government sources. The measure, which was approved in January and which, according to one estimate, would affect a million and a half people, It will be applied randomly, which means that the fines will be made by sampling and will come from the Italian Treasury based on indications received from the Italian Ministry of Health. of the penalty, which amounts to 100 eurosthose who can prove that they have not been vaccinated for health reasons or enjoy another type of safe-conduct are excluded.

To this will be added, as of February 15, also pecuniary sanctions of up to 1,500 euros for those workers who show up to work without the so-called covid passport reinforced’, that can only be obtained if one is vaccinated with at least two doses or has gone through the illnessand not through a covid test.

The covid-19 vaccine will also be mandatory, for all age groups, if necessary. university or school staff. On the contrary, those who already have the third dose will have access to a ‘reinforced covid passport’ without expiration, and those with two doses, with one of up to six months validity.

With this, always from Tuesday, this certification will be mandatory to enter public offices such as post offices, banks and even bookstores, although the owners or managers of these places are not required to control the document. On the other hand, supermarkets, pharmacies, gas stations, pet stores, and optometric centers, among others, are excluded from the measure.

EU travelers

On another front, as of the same date, will allow the entry of citizens coming from other countries of the European Union (EU) exclusively with the covid passport, and not with the addition of a antigen tests or PCR as it happened from mid-December to this Monday.

In addition to this, new ‘tourist corridors’ have also been opened, which allow travelers arriving from non-European destinations to travel more easily including those to and from Cuba, Turkey, Singapore, Thailand, Seychelles, Mauritius, Maldives, and the Dominican Republic.

According to the latest data, the epidemiological curve is declining in Italy. Still, in the last 24 hours, 104,065 new patients by covid-19, and 235 deaths. The positivity rate stands at 12%.


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