10 hoaxes and myths about aquatic incidents

The World Health Organization estimates that there are 236,000 direct deaths per year due to drowning at the beach or swimming pool. In Spain, the number is around 400 each year. These numbers could be avoided in part by knowing certain safety tips in the aquatic environment.

The Spanish Society of Emergency and Emergency Medicine (SEMES) and the #SaludsinBulos Institute, identify that the myths transmitted from generation to generation or the hoaxes that circulate on social networks have a decisive influence.

Eating before swimming and the digestion cut

There is a general consensus among specialists that there is no relationship between bathing after eating and drowningthe one known as digestion cut. In fact, this term does not appear in any scientific database. often this is confused with hydrocutiona shock from a sudden change in temperature produced, for example, when entering the water after sunbathing, doing intense physical activity or eating.

sleeves and floats

The only element for bathers float is he lifejacket. This is essential when traveling in a boat or paddle-surfing, but does not have the same utility that the floats, sleeves or bubbles. The latter are often used in the smallest to offer them extra security, but in no case prevent drowning or have been shown to be safe.

Take several quick breaths (hyperventilate) before diving It is a very widespread practice among swimmers. This actually lowers normal CO₂ levels and when apnea starts the oxygen will be used up. Can drift into syncope in shallow water or hypoxic blackout, which is the loss of consciousness during the dive after hyperventilating.

Flags are for surfers too

The signs on the beaches are from mandatory for everyoneregardless of the activity. Y surfers are not excluded. A red flag not only indicates strong surf, but also the presence of floating objects or the threat of marine animals.

Who drowns does it in silence

Waving his hands and yelling for help. This is the scene that the vast majority of movies use to portray someone who is drowning. But actually, who needs help does it in silencewell concentrate all your efforts on breathing.

The main job of lifeguards is prevention

Contrary to what is believed, rescue is only 0.1% of the work of the lifeguards. Their main occupation, 99.8%, is prevention

Home remedies against jellyfish stings

Peeing on jellyfish stings can cause the opposite effect to the desired. According to scientific evidence, the venom discharge increased by pressure on contact. The cold, heat or vinegar, will only be used under health recommendation.

There are no dry drowned

The dry drowning has been incorrectly described as a “drowning without aspiration of water”. By definition, “all drowning occurs by aspiration of liquidright By immersion O well by immersion“. When no water is found in the lungs, this person should not be considered to have died from this cause.

The “almost-drowned” is used to refer to people who have survived after an aquatic incident, but this concept is obsolete. we have to talk about fatal drowning (when he dies), or non-fatal drowning (when you survive, regardless of whether there are sequels or not).

Place the drowned person face down to empty the water from their lungs

No scientific society supports the process of place the drowning victim face down to empty the water from their lungs. That’s a useless act and a waste of time, since if a person does not breathe, the priority is to start the CPR protocol (compressions and ventilations).
