10 hi-tech gifts for aspiring content creators and social media stars

Seight the Christmas tree this year hi-tech gifts will dominate. But to the more classic ones smartphonesPC accessories, wearable devices and home appliances, we are sure that many kids will truly want them accessories to create, optimize and share digital content.

Jessica Alba, mother in step with the times: ballet on TikTok with her daughter Haven

You have surely already heard of content creator, that is, those who create digital content to share on various social platforms – TikTok and Instagram first and foremost – with the aim of go viral, that is, seen by a considerable number of people, and perhaps even making it a full-fledged job, becoming a real one Influencers.

After all, Chiara Ferragni teaches, but if she was certainly the first, we have come a long way and now practically anyone can aspire to become a social media star. Of course, all that glitters is not gold and it is not so easy to gain popularity in a world where everyone wants to stand out and where sometimes the winners have ‘only’ the merit of being lucky… But there are many kids who want to try and to do it technology is key.

Social media stars: there is also something to learn

Many think that to become a social media star it is sufficient to practice in the field, publish as much content as possible in the hope that it will be noticed and shared by the greatest number of people.

Yet who aspires to become content creator – for work or simply for fun – must know that they exist real courses to learn the best techniques for creating and sharing content on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok… Because there are no one-size-fits-all rules social networks; everyone needs communication codes and well-defined strategies which can determine the success – or flop – of what is published.

In recent years, universities and training schools have begun to establish ad hoc courses. Because if it is true that what matters most is the content, it is also true that on social media you need to have your own style and something to say and everything that revolves around the content can be learned. After all, lasting success in the digital world is never accidental.

Courses for aspiring content creators

There Holden Schoolfounded in 1994 and so called because the idea was to create a school from which Holden Caulfield would never be expelled, organizes, for example, a Videomaking for the Web course in which you will see how creativity is the best ally for creating a successful video. We will start from the basics of storytelling and then lower them into everyone’s personal context. Taking inspiration from films and the best photographers, you will understand what it means to tell through images. The course, held by director, video editor and game designer Lorenzo Romoli, costs 220 euros.

Still on the topic, there is the Online course in Content Marketing organized by UniD and aimed at acquiring skills that can be immediately used in the world of work. Give it Storytelling to Advocacy, from Web Writing to Social Communication and at Content Management strategies: these are the macro areas covered by this course which is also recognized by the MIUR and allows you to fulfill your training obligations.

In the end, Piero Armentientrepreneur, writer and very popular ‘urban explorer’ who tells New York to the Italians, together with Beclay Agency et al Advanced metrological and technological services center of the Federico II University of Napleswill launch a course from January under the scientific direction of Alex Giordano dedicated to Creators Economy: a segment in full development, which has come to fuel a global turnover of over 100 billion dollars a year of which over 50 million small and large creators are the protagonists.

