10 devices to combine work and relaxation

Ua vacation that allows you to working remotely in a holiday resort, possibly a dream: this is the ‘workation’, a trend born above all during the pandemic and destined to remain. After all, the name already says it: ‘workation’, in fact, is nothing more than the union of two words, work and vacation.

This is undoubtedly a trend that is changing the lives of a great many people. Power working from anywhere in the world and respecting work goalsallows you not only to have fun, but also to better manage your time.

Gen Z led the way

‘Workation’, ‘smartworking’, ‘hybridworking’: three words which, in essence, represent the same concept. The ability to work anywhere and organize your day independently of the canonical office hours.

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There Gen Z (those born between the late 90s and early 10s of the 21st century) certainly represents the generation that started this process. Many of them started their professional careers during the pandemic; therefore, remote and hybrid work is all they have ever known.

According to theHybrid Ways of Working Global Report 2022 from Jabra 64% of Gen Z respondents consider their ‘office’ to be like their laptop, headphones, and, in general, any context where a good Internet connection can be obtained.

Hybrid natives are also twice as likely as Millennials, and nearly three times more than Gen X, to argue that their usual area of ​​work is a ‘third space’, as can be a co-working center, a cafe or a hotel. And as Gen Z continues to make up an increasingly large portion of the workforce, it’s especially important for companies to understand these generational differences that are key in location preferences to attract top talent.

Choosing where to work makes us happier

Yes: those who are free to choose where to carry out their business are more satisfied, but only one in five is currently able to do so because they don’t always have the right tools at their disposal.

This has always emerged from the Jabra report carried out by interviewing 2,800 professionals in six countries around the world. The report highlights that most report that being able to decide where and when to work has a positive impact on their well-being and productivity levels.

Obviously this doesn’t have to mean being available 24/7 and giving up well-deserved moments of healthy digital detox, rather, being able to organize oneself in the best possible way also based on extra work commitments – family, hobbies, sports, etc. – to decide when to dedicate yourself to the business and when to completely disconnect.

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The main difficulty, however, as anticipated, consists in not having sufficiently professional tools available even outside the office: powerful enough computers, reliable networks available everywhere, headphones and webcams to manage calls and video meetings in complete autonomy. In order not to have more of these problems, we have identified 10 devices which will make the ‘workation’ an experience you never want to give up. You can find them in the gallery above.

