10 days without a mother: plot and cast of the film on Canale 5

chat happens when a woman who takes care of the home, including children and husband, decides to take a break and go on vacation? The answer is: a disaster. The woman in question is Giulia, played by Valentina Lodovini, who with her escape puts her husband Carlo to the test, Fabio De Luigi. They are the protagonists of the film 10 days without mom, comedy directed by Alessandro Genovesi, airing tonight at 9.45pm on Channel 5.

10 days without momthe plot of the movie

Carlo Rovelli (De Luigi) works in a chain of supermarkets, where he held the role of Human Resources Manager. He is married to Giulia (Valentina Lodovini), with whom he has three children: Camilla (Angelica Elli), Tito (Matteo Castellucci) and Bianca (Bianca Usai). For ten years, the family lived only on weekends for work reasons. Now the knots are coming home to roost and the relationship with his wife and her children creaks.

Furthermore, Giulia is a lawyer, but she chose to leave the profession to be a mother. One evening, during a dinner, she realizes that her husband takes her for granted. Her disappointment, combined with her tiredness, pushes her to make a decision: leave for a holiday in Cuba together with his sister Caterina (Valentina Cenni).

How will Carlo and his children manage 10 days without a mother? Everyone hopes well, but everyday life immediately turns out to be disastrous. Without Giulia, the house falls apart and Carlo is unable to keep up with all the commitments of his children. Among the biggest problems to face, the absence of dialogue with Camilla, the eldest daughter. She is in full adolescence, grumpy, with a love disappointment to overcome.

Tito, the second, is an exuberant child who enjoys being mischievous, even with the complicity of friends. It is precisely one of these who hit Carlo in the face with a golf club, breaking his incisors. The last one, Bianca, begins to speak, but the only one who understands what she is saying is Giulia.

Carlo, a life in ruins in the family and at work

On the business front, things are no better. Alessandro Minervini (Niccolò Senni) arrives in the company, a young manager willing to do anything to shine in the eyes of the boss and take Carlo’s place. Furthermore, the latter is forced to fire an employee for stealing three screws.

It so happens that the agency you go to to hire a babysitter sends its own the fired former employee, Lucia (Diana Del Bufalo). She establishes a good relationship with the boys and, not having the courage to tell her that it was he who sent her away from the supermarket, Carlo pretends to be a lawyer and offers her help to sue the company and ask for reinstatement. Once the truth is discovered, Lucia quits.

Fabio De Luigi and Bianca Usai in “10 days without a mother”.

The ending of 10 days without mom

In this chaos, family day arrives, i.e. the day when supermarket employees spend a day together with their families and the manager (Antonio Catania). Camilla and Tito implement a diabolical plan to make a fool of Carlo. It is their revenge after having distorted the embrace between him and Luciawhich happened a few days earlier. Camilla thinks that her father is having an affair with the babysitter and that Giulia has left home.

“Three too many”: Fabio De Luigi, Virginia Raffaele and their children suddenly

The consequences are disastrous. In addition to ruining the party and causing extensive damage, Carlo is first demoted and then fired. However, he accepts defeat and starts from a new perspective. He understands that being a father is the most important job and assumes his responsibilities. He wants to be a better person and, first of all, he apologizes to Lucia and offers to help her.

Then he apologizes to his children, who apologize in turn and shortly after Giulia returns. The holiday was also good for her and the family is ready to leave again with a new balance. The roles are reversed and from now on it will be Carlo who will look after the house and the children, while Giulia goes back to work.

Fabio De Luigi, protagonist of “10 days without a mother”, with Angelica Elli, Bianca Usai and Matteo Castellucci.

The moral of the movie

10 days without mom highlights one of the most heated debates of recent years: the role of women within the family. He does it with the tone of comedy, using a light register, but functional to the story. Carlo is the archetypal man dedicated to workwho excludes himself from the family structure until he is forced to take care of it.

At the beginning of the story he says: «Someone wrote that if you have a child they give you a judge for life. I have three judges. And one still doesn’t even know how to speak. It goes without saying that they have already condemned mebut I am innocent and I hope that you – referring to the public – will at least be able to acquit me”.

And eventually acquittal comes, but only after the defendant has come face-to-face with the consequences of his or her actions. Luckily for him, he has a chance to start over and become a better man.

