10 citizen proposals against the climate crisis

  • Four-day work days, incentives for teleworking and environmental education subjects in schools: these are the measures proposed by the Citizen Assembly for Climate to create a more sustainable world

Superilla in the Sant Antoni neighborhood of Barcelona. /

Valentina Raffio

Valentina Raffio


Specialist in Science health and environment.

write from Barcelona.

see +


June 07, 2022. 18:57

A little over a year ago a hundred people chosen at random They met to discuss what we can do to stop the climate crisis. About the measuresthe changes Y also the resignations that citizens, companies, administrations and governments must adopt to safeguard the health of the planet and its inhabitants. After a long debate, the so-called Citizen Assembly for Climate (ACC) has forged 172 recommendations to deal with the climate, ecological and social crisis.
