10 basic tips from the Ministry of Health

07/11/2022 at 21:03


The Government activates a prevention plan in the face of a phenomenon that will last for several days

Given the long duration expected for the current heat wave in Spain, the Ministry of Health has published ten basic tips to avoid its most serious effects on the population. AEMET has warned that the situation can still last for several days.

Excessive heat, recalls the Ministry, can alter vital functions when the body is unable to compensate for variations in body temperature and can cause problems such as sunstroke or heat stroke, or even aggravate existing previous pathologies.

That is why, for days of intense heat, the Ministry of Health has activated the National Plan for preventive actions against the effects of excess temperatures on health.

Through this plan, information is provided with the aim of preventing and reducing the negative effects of heat on health, especially in the most vulnerable groups such as the elderly, pregnant women, minors and the chronically ill, as well as those who work or exert themselves outdoors.

To minimize health damage caused by excessive temperatures, emphasis is placed on decalogue of general recommendations:

1. Drink water and fluids ofteneven if you don’t feel thirsty and regardless of the physical activity you do.

two. Avoid caffeinated, alcoholic, or highly sugared beveragessince they can favor dehydration.

3. Although anyone can experience a heat-related problem, pay special attention to: infants and young children, pregnant or lactating mothers, as well as elderly or sick people that can be aggravated by heat (such as heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, cancer, pathologies that hinder mobility, dementia and other mental illnesses, as well as drug or alcohol abuse).

Four. Stay as long as possible in cool placesin the shade or heated, and refresh yourself whenever you need it.

5. Seek reduce physical activity and avoid outdoor sports in the middle of the day of the day

6. Wear light, loose clothing and let it breathe.

7. Nnever leave anyone in a locked, parked vehicle (especially minors, elderly or chronically ill).

8. Consult your healthcare professional before symptoms that last more than an hour and that may be related to high temperatures.

9. Keep your medicines in a cool place; heat can alter its composition and effects.

10. Do light meals that help replenish the salts lost through sweat (salads, fruits, vegetables, juices, etc.).

Hydration is important and sports should be avoided in the middle of the day | Agencies

All information related to the National Plan, as well as information on risk levels, can be found on the website of the Ministry of Health: https://www.sanidad.gob.es/excesoTemperaturas2022/consultar.do

In addition, there is at the disposal of the citizens a Temperatures and Risk Levels Subscription Service free, through which they can receive an email and/or SMS with daily information on temperatures and the level of risk of those provinces that are of interest to them through the following link: https://www.sanidad.gob.es/excesoTemperaturas2022/suscripcion.do


Environment section contact: [email protected]
