1 op de 5 Belgen must be less remgeld betalen bij huisarts | landlocked

There is a right to be in Belgium on a verhoogde tegemoetkoming (VT), so that less money should be paid to the house arts, and that is a step with the help in the next two years. This is due to a separate issue from the Christelijke Mutualiteit (CM). The CM fails to fit before it is wet, so there is a high percentage that is not expected to be correct.

Het statuut van de verhoogde tegemoetkoming requires the toegang tot de gezondheidszorg beteren for huishoudens met lage income. With the statuut zijn de terugbetalingen higher and reduced from the remgeld van de patiënt. The total for the CM Gezondheidsfonds on the high profile in the evolution of the right remains to be 18.9 percent of the Belgian right height from the VT. That is a starting point with 54 percent of the year 2002, toen het om 13.2 percent went.

Volgens de CM zijn he de afgelopen jaren verschillende spanningen geleverd om het statuut efficiënter toe te know, and declares that de stijging van het aantal mensen met de VT. So he is automatically right in the request for the social categories, and in the ‘proactive flow’, there are potential legal contacts on the basis of the given fiscal situation.

Toch needs to be about 45 percent of the 18- to 64-year-olds who are rightly right on the VT, that rightly not on the Volgens de CM reacten velen not on contact over het statuut. The CM will do an adaptation in the wetgeving, so that you can worry about the fact that the Zikenfondsen het right ‘ambtshalve’ can know a little more about the profiles on the basis of recent income information. “We want to act because het VT-recht sooner wordt beij alleenstaanden en eenoudergezinnen in geval van arbeidsongeschiktheid, werkloosheid van meer dan drie maanden, invalidity of pensioen”, says CM-voorzitter Luc Van Gorp.


Bovendien valt op dat also de groep jongeren the right heeft op een VT bijna verdubbeld is. In 2022 it was 18.1 percent after the age of 18, in 2008 it was 11.6 percent. In Brussel and Antwerp, the number of days is about 37 and 40 percent. “’Het is a new and frustrating phenomenon that VT-right-handling steeds have become younger, especially in the big city. Here we can feel that there are more young people in the greater town of Opgroeien in huishoudens with a long income level,” says Van Gorp.

“The gates in the system should be closed”, concludes Van Gorp. “We want that to be the right thing to do in the verhoogde tegemoetkoming, it also warns toegekend. Otherwise het beleid z’n doel voorbij.”
