1 in 10 Dutch people suffer from early hearing loss

Dragonfly together with Specsavers

1. What do you say?

Following conversations becomes more difficult as your hearing deteriorates. It seems like the people around you are muttering; especially in a room with background noise, it is difficult to understand others. As a result, you constantly have to ask if someone can repeat their sentence. As a result, the environment often realizes that someone hears worse than the person himself.

Roomy 1.6 million Dutch people suffer from serious hearing problems. Getting there on time can prevent worse.

2. Treble and Bass

Sounds each have their own frequency: the higher the tone, the higher the frequency. With hearing impairment due to age, you hear high tones less and less. But in the case of hearing damage, it can also happen that you do not hear low tones properly. As a result, some sounds sound too soft and others too loud. If you experience sounds differently, ring the bell.

3. Whistling Birds

You walk through the forest on a rainy day, hear the birds chirping in the background, raindrops falling on the swampy forest path… Many people find sounds from nature soothing, but with an onset of hearing loss you suddenly hear these sounds less well. Do you recognize this? Then it is good to do a hearing check.

4. High volume

Do you have to turn up the radio or TV louder to hear what is being said? Then there is a good chance that your hearing will deteriorate. You often only notice this when you are in the room with someone else and that person thinks the sound is way too loud.

5. Sounds in the ears

If you are hearing impaired, you can suffer from tinnitus. You will then hear a beep, noise or hum in your ear, without these sounds being really there. For some people this is only temporary, others suffer from it constantly. This is also known as tinnitus.

Check your hearing

To make sure you can continue to fully enjoy your social life, music and conversations with others, Specsavers recommends that you have a hearing test every year from the age of 50. Specsavers is one of the largest providers of hearing care worldwide and offers free hearing tests performed by a certified hearing care professional. Do you need a hearing aid? This is tailor-made for you, with free service and aftercare for 5 years. Visit one of the stores to do the hearing check or make an appointment for a hearing test with the hearing care professional.

May 9, 2022
