0:3! Netzhoppers lose first quarterfinals in Düren

Netzhoppers Königs-WusterhausenBestensee started the playoff quarter-finals for the German volleyball championship with a straight defeat. In the first game based on the Best-of-Three format, the Brandenburgers lost 0:3 (26:28, 19:25, 21:25) at the SVD Powervolleys Düren.

The Netzhoppers surprised the favored players from Düren in the first round and were on the way to winning the set with a 22:18 lead. However, the guests gambled away the lead and lost 26:28 despite two set points. The seventh in the preliminary round didn’t have a chance in the second set, which Düren didn’t let take after a 19:14 lead.

In the third set, the Netzhoppers led again at the beginning, with Brandon Rattray scoring the most points with 15 points, but quickly had to acknowledge the superiority of the hosts and lost the first quarter-final game after 90 minutes.

Netzhoppers coach Tomas Wasilkowski’s team will host the second quarter-final game on Thursday. Should an all-important third game be necessary, this is scheduled for next Sunday in Düren.
