?LIVE: watch the very last council meeting of Weesp here

The city council of Weesp meets for the very last time. From tomorrow, Weesp will be part of Amsterdam, then the place will no longer have its own city council. Watch the live council meeting below, which will be held in the Grote Kerk for this special occasion.

It is a symbolic council meeting, because from tomorrow this council will no longer have any influence on the ins and outs of the fortified city. The mayor closes the meeting, after which King Arthur van Dijk will also have a word.

The municipality of Weesp concluded six years ago that it was too small to have a future as an independent municipality and that a merger with another municipality was inevitable. On the intercession of just over half of the Weesper population, the city will become part of Amsterdam.

There will be a party tonight on the Grote Plein in front of the town hall. This can also be followed live from 11 p.m. on the NH Nieuws website and app.
