▶ ‘Zeer intens onweer’ disrupts metroverkeer in Parijs: several stations lost

Depending on the weather conditions in France, it was on the 19th of an hour at the meeting station in the Montsouris park in the south of Paris, where 40 millimeters of rain fell in a few minutes. That’s almost “70 percent of what it’s normal for in a month”, zo onderstreepte een woordvoerder van de weerdienst.

Even after 18:00 different metro stations in the Franse hoofdstad should have been planned as part of the heavy rains of the via de Trappen near the platforms Stroomde. This is for storage of different metro connections.

They were also heavy wind dead. There is a meeting station at the top of the Eiffel Gates and a short wind over a distance of 104 kilometers per hour. This is based on the data from Météo France.

Météo France stuurde also waarschuwingen uit voor mogelijk zwaar onweer met hevige Regenval in vijf departments in het zuiden van het country. There money code orange. In all other Franse departments, the code applies for the rest of the year. In these departments in the Zuiden it is also a code for overcurrents.
