Wife Klaas van der Eerden pukes on VI: ‘It’s really shocking’

The unknown wife of Klaas van der Eerden, Anna, makes mincemeat of the men of Today Inside in an interview with the VARA guide. “Such a stupid program,” fumes 45-year-old lady.

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Klaas van der Eerden is the main character in this week’s VARA guide-Buis & Haard section, in which celebrities and their partners tell what they are watching. The name ‘Today Inside’ immediately came up. “You can get really angry when someone says something stupid at a talk show table. I sometimes watch Today Inside, but not when you are sitting next to me,” he says.


His partner Anna agrees. She refuses to sit in a living room with VI on. According to her, it is disgusting, reprehensible and rancid television that has a very bad smell. “Such a stupid program. Grown men arguing with each other live on television: what a nice example…’, she fumes.

Klaas has a more nuanced view on this. “You are not the target group either. Maybe I don’t either, but I do watch it every now and then, because I think you should see everything. I come from a left-wing family that only watched left-wing broadcasters, while I am also interested in the thoughts of people who think differently than me.”

Speaking tube

What does Anna think about that? She says: “Johan Derksen is a spokesperson for a large part of the population, I completely understand that. But I find the way they treat each other there and what is said about others really shocking.”

She concludes: “I find it angry that such a man can say racist and misogynistic things five nights a week without being held accountable. Just give me something like B&B Vol Liefde.”

Also resolved again.
