Westwoud opens condolence register after the tragic death of 14-year-old Dani

Everyone from Westwoud and the surrounding area can visit village hall De Schalm this week to show support to Dani’s family. A condolence register has been opened and flowers and drawings can also be brought. 14-year-old Dani was stabbed a week ago in Hoorn and died this weekend from his injuries.

“The family says they greatly appreciate the sympathy from the village and feel strengthened by this”, writes Mayor Michiel Pijl of Drechterland. The family requests not to visit the house but to use the condolence register where people can go daily between 4:00 PM and 11:00 PM. “All condolences will be passed on to the family.”

At the beginning of this week, the gray sidewalk for Oscar Romero high school in Hoorn changed in a sea of ​​flowers. There, right outside the school gate, it was terrible last Wednesday event takes place. Dani, 14, was stabbed after arguing with another teenager. It is not yet known what led to the altercation. A 16-year-old suspect from Hoorn was arrested and is still in custody.

Minute of silence

A minute of silence was first observed at the Hoorn council meeting last night. “There are only losers and we all feel that,” said mayor Jan Nieuwenburg. He looked back on last week, which sent a shockwave through the entire congregation and beyond.

“From a few days between hope and fear, came the terrible news on Sunday that Dani has passed away. It is heartbreaking and a great loss for Dani’s family, friends and acquaintances as well as for the staff, students and teachers of Tabor College of whoever witnessed this terrible incident. They are not alone, we help where we can.”

Finally, Nieuwenburg expressed his concern about the (national) picture that gun ownership among young people is increasing. “We will discuss this. This year. There will be a new safety ambition shortly, in which we will make new agreements about what we can do more to combat this.”

The condolence register can be found in village hall De Schalm in Westwoud until this weekend.
