Veel pity by tornado in Arkansas | Weernieuws

According to persbureau Reuters he was 21 treated in two Ziekenhuizen in de Stad, vijf mensen zijn in kritieke toestand opgenomen. The local media said it was at least 600 years old, but that would soon be the case.

The tornado is due to a noodweer system that is stretched from the south of the United States to the area of ​​the Great Meren in the north. The strong preceding storm trek through the United States and can possibly cause tornadoes, snowstorms and stormy weather. Het hevige weer vandaag en de komende twee dagen de Great Plains, Midwest, het zuiden en het oosten van het land te meet, aldus de Nationale Weerdienst.

The Nationale Weerdienst has a tornadowaarschuwing designed for Eastern Europe in central Iowa, Northwestern Illinois, Northwestern Missouri and the southern western tip of Wisconsin. Het drong er bij de 5 miljoen mensen in de region wonen op aan om vorbereid te zijn op meerdere strong tornado’s op vrijdagmidday en -avond. “It is a bijzonder gevaarlijke situation”, klonk het.

Also the northeast of Arkansas, the southern countries of Missouri, the west of Kentucky and Tennessee have been hit by tornadoes, the time of the service. Disappearing cities in the Midwest, near Chicago, come eveneens mogelijk in gevaar door het noodweer, voegde de weerdienst eraan toe. “He is able to see more of the tornado’s structure that is close to the ground, where it is located in the north of Arkansas and in the west of Tennessee,” says John Feerick, senior meteorologist at AccuWeather.

Volgens meteorologists zijn onweersbuien mogelijk long een front van 1,600 km long with strong winds, hail and stortbuien the overstromingen can veroorzaken. The north, the edge of the storm, which stretches from the High Plains to the bottom of the Grote Meren, can bring snow, in combination with winds up to 80 km per hour.

The heavy storm came one week after the onset of a tornado in Rolling Fork, Mississippi, where 26 people were expected.
