Van zeekomkommers tot ‘gomachtige eekhoorns’: ruim 5,000 nieuwe soorten ontdekt in diepzeemijngebied in Silent Ocean | servants

In the Clarion-Clipperton zone, an area in the quiet ocean that best is exploited by my own building, there are wet shappers and there is a biodiversity on it. More than 5,000 new species have now been taken on the Loep.

The Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ) is a mineral area on the ocean floor of about 1.7 million square meters and is located near Hawaii and Mexico in the calm ocean. It is the first point that the biodiversity site in the zone zo uitvoerig is documented. Omdat de CCZ is intended as a top hotspot for diepzeemijnbouw, can that onderzoek cruciaal zijn in de evaluation of het risk van uitsterven van de vele sorten.

Wetenschappers discovered more than 5,000 new species. © Natural History Museum

“We are on the planet with all these verbazing-awakening biodiversity and we raise the responsibility for those who understand it,” Aldus Muriel Rabone, author of the article in the diepzee-ecoloog at the Natural History Museum (NHM) in Londen.

Zeventien aannemers kregen al contracts toegekend om mineralen zals cobalt, mangaan en nikkel te ontginnen in de region. The terms were given and ended up as the United Kingdom, the United States in China.

A coming day from the slaughtered Deima.
A coming day from the slaughtered Deima. ©Getty Images

Most of those that have been considered in the study should not be included in the weather forecast and are always unique in the region. Slechts zes, waaronder een vleesetende spons en en zeekomkommer, zijn elders al wargenomen.

Een van de ontdekte diepzeedieren kreeg de bijnaam ‘gomachtige eekhoorn’ omdat het en enormous staart heeft en bijna lijkt alsof het uit gelei bestaat. Most of the previous categories are in the CCZ zijn geleedpotigen, wormen, leden van de spider family and stekelhuidigen such as zee-egels and sponzen.

A Zeester van het slaughtered Hymenaster, also known as a 'slijmster'.
A Zeester van het slaughtered Hymenaster, also known as a ‘slijmster’. ©Getty Images

Wetenschap ontdekt extremely toxic slang and aggressive hagedis

“Invasive mold infecties come from the same place”: it is the most common mold that is likely to occur (+)
