The police arrest Marcus Jordan for alcohol and cocaine

Alcohol and cocaine

The police arrested the son of sports legends

05.02.2025 – 11:03 a.m.Reading time: 2 min.

Marcus Jordan, here at a basketball game in 2023: The 34-year-old is the son of basketball legend Michael Jordan.Enlarge the picture

Marcus Jordan, here at a basketball game in 2023: The 34-year-old is the son of basketball legend Michael Jordan. (Source: Imago/MPI04/Imago-images pictures)

Officials discover a suspicious substance at Marcus Jordan. Studies then confirm a suspicion. The place where the former basketball player is found can be noticed.

It bears a very big name-but is now in the headlines with a negative report: Marcus Jordan, the second oldest son of basketball legend Michael Jordan, was arrested in central florida early Tuesday morning-and now charged with cocaine ownership and non-violent resistance to a police officer. This was announced by the local police.

According to this, officials from the Maitland police had discovered the 34-year-old’s blue Lamborghini SUV on rail tracks in a suburb of Orlando-the vehicle had been in a place that a commuter train had passed just a few minutes later. The car was stuck in rough terrain, Jordan tried to get his luxury driven free, but the bikes made it through, as shown on the US platform TMZ.

The police report continues that the officials then found out that the same SUV with Jordan at the wheel had previously fled from a traffic control in another district. At Jordan, the smell of alcohol was found that the former college basketball player had also flalled and worked in confusion. On the video it can be seen on how Jordan says to the police: “I’m Marcus Jordan. I am Michael Jordan’s son. I do nothing wrong, I just want to go home. And I’m wrong, okay?”

According to the officials, Jordan did not exist the subsequent tests for driving suitability, who then put on handcuffs to him, as can be seen on another video. During the following body visitation, the emergency services then found a bag with a white substance – it turned out to be cocaine in a test.

The audibly angry Jordan then briefly refused to enter the police car. In the vehicle, he had argued with the officials about his supposed celebrity and sometimes sang songs from the radio.

Jordan was taken to Orange County prison, from which he was released later on Tuesday. In the worst case, he threatens a prison sentence of several years.
