The long road of Sergio Massa

Serge Massa began in Argentine politics in the eighties, when he began to serve in the UCD. Of his generation, he was not the only one who passed from this party to the ranks of Peronism: they also did, among others, Emilio Monzo and Amado Boudou (today in very different political positions).

A management in ANSES during the Duhalde government It allowed him to peek into national politics. But it was the Municipality of Tigre that made him acquire “management experience.”

In Kirchnerism comes to occupy the Chief of Cabinet in the first government of Cristina Kirchner, after the resignation of Alberto Fernandez to the same position, after the conflict with the countryside.

It was the mid-term election of 2013 that allowed him to project himself at the national level, almost a decade ago. His triumph topping the list of Renewal Front -it took the denomination with which in the 1980s the sectors that disputed the leadership of the party assumed the most traditional leaders of Peronism- it prevailed in the province of Buenos Aires over which it supported Cristina Kirchner and was headed by Martín Insaurralde.

Between 2014 and 2015 he was perceived as a “presidential” But in the 2015 presidential election, he finished in third place. The 2019 presidential election finds him reconciled with Cristina and integrating the front of all who supported the candidacy for president of Albert Fernandez.

But now he presents himself as the “great manager”, who comes to save a government in crisis. Is about a new stage, a challenge or an opportunity.

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