The Hour with political scientist Tim ‘S Jongers

‘Poverty creeps into your soul and organs and never lets you go.’ Political scientist Tim ‘S Jongers escaped a youth full of poverty and uncertainty, and has been committed to combating poverty ever since. Pieter van der Wielen talks to him about the growing gap between the ‘hopeful’ and the ‘hopeless’, and how that can lead to offering an ‘offensive broccoli’ to children who haven’t even had breakfast. About the importance of really seeing each other, beyond the prejudices of ‘unhealthy choices’ and ‘own fault’ of poor people. And why the image that politicians and civil servants are all pickpockets is incorrect, but a dose of ‘constructive anger’ from citizens is in order.

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Pieter van der Wielen
Mira Sea Merchant
Audio chief
Rufus van Baardwijk
