The Electoral Board opens a disciplinary file against Isabel Rodríguez for attacking the PP from Moncloa

The Central Electoral Board (JEC) will communicate this Thursday the opening of a disciplinary file to the Minister of Territorial Policy and Government Spokesperson, isabella rodriguezfor violating from the press conference after the Council of Ministers their duty of neutrality during the electoral periodas confirmed to Europa Press by sources familiar with the agreement.

With this, There are already three consecutive complaints in which the JEC warns the Government spokesperson in relation to article 50.2 of the Organic Law of the General Electoral Regime (LOREG) that prohibits from the call for elections –published in the BOE at the beginning of April– until its celebration “any act organized or financed” by the public powers ” containing allusions to the accomplishments or achievements obtained by the public authorities”.

Two previous offenses

The first warning by the JEC to Rodríguez for violating in public statements his duty of neutrality during the electoral period was after a press conference from the Council of Ministers on April 4 in which, according to the arbitration body, the spokesperson did “Evaluative manifestations of achievements in terms of employment, with an electoral connotation”, when commenting on the unemployment data.

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The second warning came in response to a complaint filed by the PP from Madrid against some statements by Rodríguez also at the press conference after the meeting of the Council of Ministers, in which he made an assessment in response to journalists about the PP’s housing policy and criticized Alberto Núñez Feijóo, stating that “he skips the Constitution “.

According to the arbitration body, Rodríguez emitió, from an “institutional act” as is the press conference of the Council, “evaluative manifestations that disqualify policies and programs of a certain political party”, in this case the PP, while “negative assessments are issued” regarding a political leader, such as Feijóo, “which carries unequivocal electoral connotations”.
