Study: Metal singers sing like bats!





Metal singers and bats use the same technique to produce low-frequency sounds. That wants a study by the University of Southern Denmark have revealed.

The researchers wanted to find out how bats generate different calls. To do this, they filmed the flying animals and examined their vocal tract.

They found that bats make sounds with the help of thin membranes on their vocal folds. In front of it are more folds that vibrate at low frequencies. These are also present in humans.

The so-called false vocal folds are not used when speaking. However, they are not useless – when tense, they produce irregular vibrations and sounds at low frequencies. Metal singers take advantage of this, for example to create the death metal growl. The technique is also used in traditional throat singing in Mongolia and Siberia.

If Ozzy Osbourne had known that, he might have sung a duet with the bat – instead of biting her head off on the open stage.




