Strong criticism from Marco van Basten: ‘This is not Ajax, this is FC Amsterdam’ | Dutch football

with videoMarco van Basten lashed out at Ajax’s policymakers at Rondo on Ziggo Sport on Monday evening. The former striker of the team from Amsterdam compares Ajax as a ship without a captain, without a helmsman or figurehead. “Who do you hear in that club?”

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Latest update:
21-08-23, 23:53

Van Basten does not mince words when the topic of conversation comes to Ajax at Rondo. ,,It is a strange team, and that club too. Who do you hear in that club? The management and supervisory board are responsible, but you don’t hear anyone. This is not Ajax, this is FC Amsterdam. It is level FC Amsterdam”, with which he referred to the former professional club from the capital that went bankrupt in 1982. “It has gone very badly in two years. That is really bizarre.”

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Van Basten wonders who is responsible at Ajax and who represents the soul of the club. “Who should you be with? Who can you turn to?” When Van Basten sees a photo of technical director Sven Mislintat, he says: ,,He spends the money on all the players I hope are good. But I really have my doubts. Who is Ajax, who is responsible? Also in youth. Who breaks through? Jorrel Hato is the only one. He’s standing there. He is good. But what does Ajax always say: we have the youth, we have the future. But where are all those eighteen-year-old boys? None of this.”

But, Van Basten continues: ,,If someone leaves or someone is no longer there, there has to be a new one. Alex Kroes, the new general manager is coming, but not until January. Who is Ajax now? Mislintat? Is he Ajax? Isn’t that crazy? That boy just came in. I don’t blame him, but Ajax is more than Mislintat, right? At Ajax there must still be five, six, seven people who have things to say?”

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