‘Staff azc building Gilze only enter with security’

Staff of the asylum seekers’ center in Gilze will only enter a building on the site under the supervision of security guards, because criminal asylum seekers cause serious nuisance. This is reported by BN DeStem. The troublemakers are somewhere different from the other asylum seekers, because they are afraid of them.

The newspaper has spoken with various parties involved and has viewed documents, which show that knives, drugs, a bat, illegal immigrants and stolen telephones have recently been found. The finds in the building where the troublemakers are located have not been communicated to the outside so far.

Sixteen people are said to be in the building, the so-called building 51, says the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA). AZC staff say it concerns twenty people. Often there are also illegal immigrants inside, sometimes as many as forty people.

Guards chased away
In recent months, security at the building of the troublemakers has been increased considerably. There are now four security guards at this one building. Previously, security guards were attacked and chased out of the building.
