Sony shows Playstation VR 2 | . for the first time iHLN

The design of the PSVR2 seems slimmer than that of its predecessor. And is clearly based on the first PlayStation VR, but adapted to the design of the new PlayStation 5. According to Sony chief executive Hideaki Nishino, the design will fit into any living room. The controllers had already been proposed and resemble those of the first generation Oculus VR set from Meta/Facebook.

Sony opts for a headband that you can adjust tightly, at first glance without extra support at the top of the headset. The lenses can not only bring you further or closer to your eyes, but also slide them apart. This is important for people with a small or slightly large distance between the two eyes. Improper lens placement often causes headaches after prolonged use of a VR headset.

The screens in the glasses refresh the image 120 times per second. The price and launch date have not yet been announced.
