Residential care center Oostrozebeke only went to the police after the fourth poisoning: “If you call something ‘suspicious murder’, the public prosecutor and the entire reutemeteut will be added” | Nursing home murders

Only four months after the first resident was poisoned with insulin did the management of the Rozenberg residential care center in Oostrozebeke go to the police. However, there had already been four incidents during that time. This was told during the information evening for the relatives of residents this week. The research cell of ‘Het Laatste Nieuws’ and ‘VTM NIEUWS’ could listen to the recording of that evening. It also showed that the first murder was considered a ‘natural death’ by the doctor on duty. “Indeed, that is not allowed. That must also have been wrong somewhere,” said a person in charge.

Tim Lescrauwaet, Evi De Witte

20-09-22, 19:00

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