Opnieuw defecte Thalys tussen Parijs en Rijsel: 300 irritants can na meer dan drie uur overstappen op OTHER TREIN | Buitenland

Round 19 uur is een tweede train vertrokken vanuit Parijs, which een uur later ter plekke was. Omstreeks 21 o’clock all stranded irritants were overgestapt op de nieuwe trein. Round 23 uur wordt de trein in Antwerp. Normally we had to arrive by 18h28. As a result, Nina Laumen is all chaotically lost and gets little information, so it is shared with VTM Nieuws.

Because of this, there will be room for Thalys vehicles that meet a technical problem, and open and generate stimulating water.

Each week there should be about 200 passengers per night arriving at a beached Thalys in the station of Paris-Nord. The highest number of days will be given after the reconciliation with a breakdown by the hitte, but the week before the end of the day there will be no more than Verderzetten. Door problems with the airco will het toen heel warm op de defecte trein.

Bekijk ok: Toeristen urenlang vast op snikhete Thalys, passengers slaan ramen stuk
