One in five Flemings goes to the car inspection too late

One in five Flemings goes to the car inspection too late

In 2021, more than 2 million periodic car inspections were registered in Flanders, 442,549 of them came too late. That is more than one in five inspected cars. In 2020 and 2019 this was only 14 and 15 percent. This is apparent from the figures of the sector federation GOCA Flanders.

The majority of latecomers report within a month to renew their inspection certificate. It is often a matter of oblivion that is quickly rectified. More worrying are the cars whose inspection has expired for more than six months. More than 35,000 drivers exceeded this deadline, while in previous years it fluctuated between 20,000 and 23,000.

Latecomers receive a fine at the inspection stations that varies between 8.80 and 31.40 euros, depending on the time limit. Last year, the laxity of the drivers brought in a sloppy 5.3 million euros. If you run into a lamp in traffic, you have to dig even deeper into your pockets.
