Nora is badly beaten at work | sponsored

Being mistreated by a few young people from the institution she works for. Nora couldn’t contain it. Now she was badly beaten up in the ER. How could this happen? She is just so concerned with the well-being of those boys. She feels her face and realizes that something is wrong.

Nora (26) is a tough girl with a sensitive heart. She hated it when her parents separated. She was eleven years old at the time and was caught between her quarreling parents. She went into rooms early.

The years that followed were great. She studied social work and passionately started her job as a youth counselor in a clinic for young people with psychological problems. She could empathize well, precisely because she herself knew so well what it is like when you have not been so lucky at home.


She was enthusiastically playing foosball with some boys and the mood was rising. Some of the boys got aggressive and Nora tried to calm things down with soothing words. It went wrong. Suddenly she herself became the target of the aggression and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

At the hospital, it turns out that Nora’s nose and jaw are broken, a few ribs bruised and she has a concussion. She was kicked in the face several times while lying on the floor. The doctor advises her to seek psychological help. Her employer also offers psychological help when he visits her. She doesn’t think it’s necessary. After all, she has always managed to survive on her own.


A few days later, the blow came again. She suffers from nightmares, is very emotional and anxious. How could this have happened? She spins in circles in her head.

When I speak to her and she tells her touching story, she wonders if she ever wants to go back to the clinic and she worries about her future. She can no longer work for the time being. First, I assure her that the abuse is certainly not her fault. It is the employer’s responsibility to provide a safe workplace.


I hold Nora’s employer liable for the damage she has suffered and he accepts his responsibility. The insurer of the clinic will arrange this. I make an overview of all damage that Nora has and ask for compensation.

Initially, all direct costs are paid, but over time it is questioned whether Nora’s complaints are still the result of the abuse. Fortunately, I had a good overview of all medical information, both for the physical and mental part of the injury. So we were strong in the negotiations.

Successful scheme

The insurer is ultimately prepared to pay all costs: medical costs as well as domestic help, compensation and the loss of her ability to work. This gave her all the rest and time to recover. Nora has found a counselor to look for other, comparable work, but with less unpredictable young people.

She is happy that she sees future prospects again with a new position in which she can still follow her passion: helping young people who are struggling.

Arthur van Eelen

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Damage after accident

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