New tap for energy generation? Extreem laag waterpeil Dreigt vrachtverkeer op de Rijn lam te leggen

The Rijn, which is on the largest river in Central and Western Europe, is of crucial importance for the German economy. Bijna all vracht that are sold in Germany is afhankelijk. Kolen, auto-orderdelen, chemicaliën, voedsel… Honderden mijoenen ton vracht per year passeert via de Rijn.

Door de uitzonderlijk location water level because of the droogte threegt al dat vrachtverkeer stil te been laid. Inside grandchildren dagen al. The Duitse industrial sector, the bijzonder afhankelijk is van de Rijn, waarsschwt dat ze in zo’n geval genoodzaakt zal zijn de productie stil te leggen. You can do that because of the naking economic crisis. The German authorities report that they now only meet smaller loads that are not very large on the ground of the Rijn. Consequence: slower transport and higher prices.

energy saving

Also Uniper SE, one of Germany’s largest energy suppliers, has been guaranteed that the energy production within that area is not greater than that. Staudinger-5, Unipers Kolencentrale ten oosten van Frankfurt, with a capacity of 500 megawatts from sea to terugschroeven than de aanvoer van steenkool stilvalt. Zonder steenkool geen electricity.

That is why there is a new plan for the energy generation in Germany, in Europe the old camp has been met with an energy crisis. Russia had 80 percent of the gas leverage in Europe, as an answer to the economic sancties associated with the invasion of Austria.

The current location of the water mark does not mean thinking about 2018, toen a gelijkaardige water level de Rijn voor zes maanden onbevaarbaar maakte. The impact was toen zo big dat de Duitse economy tijdens het Vierde Kwartaal 0.4 percent less big kon optekenen. As the problems with the energy production in September, so when Uniper expects, the costs can still be calculated. Intussenkijkt Europa met one steeds bezorgdere near gasvoorraden for the winter.
