Macri furious: Preparing to slam the door?

It was not enough for Javier Milei with the rudeness he had made to the PRO in the Clean File debate: a group of his deputies, many of whom had initially supported their allies’ project, were absent on the day of the vote. and they left Macrismo pedaling in the air. One more time. But a week later, the President redoubled the bet. “If before we did not plan to negotiate, now that the results are consistent, even less so,” he ventured at a libertarian congress. He blew up the bridges.

Macrismo highlights that, in their personal relationship, Milei is very respectful of Mauricio. But the former president got tired of what he considers a mistreatment by the Government. TOBefore they ignored him, now they directly betrayed him. That will be harder to digest.


The fever of Macri It was so big that, a week after the defeat by Ficha Clean, it continued to have the President’s disloyalty as the main topic of some of its meetings.

The back and forth reached its peak with an exchange of statements, after La Libertad Avanza made eight legislators absent and, with that, left Cristina Kirchner the possibility of competing in the 2025 elections.. “The Government decided to be on the other side,” says the PRO letter. And he completes: “We have an enormous institutional responsibility that we will honor. “We are not going to remain silent when it is played in favor of the corrupt.”

The ruling party did not sit idly by. RespIt came out harshly: “During Mauricio Macri’s government, no Clean Record project was discussed,” they wrote. And they concluded: “The greatest defender of the privileges in the Senate of the now convicted Cristina was proposed as a candidate for vice. Opportunism as a tool of political action is repugnant.” The argument was repeated by many leaders, but not by the President, who usually shares everything on social networks. He preferred to let the party letter pass.

Those who were unreturned were the young militants of Las Fuerzas del Cielo, the self-proclaimed armed wing of Milei. “Mauricio, for the umpteenth time, we are not going to give you the waterway,” they said.

On Wednesday the 4th, the PRO Senators block was supposed to meet with Milei and his Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, but at the last minute they canceled. The temperature was too high to hold the meeting.

Even with Milei’s betrayal, the PRO does not budge from his intentions. In the party they assure that they will continue supporting what helps to straighten the economic course and that they will insist on their own agenda. But they understood that there is a political rival in front of them that they underestimated: in the Casa Rosada they are not willing to give him even a bit of their power.


The official betrayal was a wake-up call for Macri. Can the assembly of lists be negotiated with Milei, her sister Karina and Santiago Caputo? The answer they give is obvious: no. But the former president is in a labyrinth. No path gives him absolute certainty. If he leads the PRO alone, or revives a coalition with some of his old allies from Together for Change, he fears that he will shipwreck in a distant third place behind La Libertad Avanza and Peronism in most districts. If he accompanies the ruling party, he will again be subjected to mistreatment by the libertarians.

From the beginning of the administration, Macri understood that his barrier was not Milei, but Karina and Caputo. “Mauricio reaches an understanding with Javier, but then the iron triangle turns the tables,” says a PRO leader. And the President’s sister is in charge of the assembly for the legislative elections. That is why “plan A” for 2025 is no agreement.

In fact, many leaders suggest Macri put on the candidate’s suit, once again. “Mauricio doesn’t like Congress, but we are going to need it to avoid losing in Capital,” analyze important figures within the party.

Macri doesn’t say anything. At their small table they ask for restraint and assure that there are many problems to be resolved before diving headlong into the electoral issue. But some leaders are beginning to demand definitions: they fear that the former president’s indecision will push them to the bottom. The Government has already warned that it is going for everything. And he doesn’t mind betraying his legislative allies based on his own needs.

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