Maastricht expects up to 35,000 King’s Day visitors | 1Limburg

The municipality of Maastricht expects between 25,000 and 35,000 visitors during King’s Day in the city on Wednesday.

The Municipality of Maastricht will let you know if requested. “Based on previous editions and the space in the city, we assume this number of visitors,” said a spokesperson.

Police can intervene
The police are also aware of the estimated number of visitors and say they are taking this into account. “We keep an eye on the crowds, so it can also happen when something is very busy that something is temporarily closed.”

Also read: King’s Day: road signs must go

Pickpocket prevention
Partly because of the expected crowds, the police advise to be alert: “It is a big event and the weather will be good, so it is advisable to be aware of pickpockets. Talk to officers to act quickly.”

The municipality is not yet planning to take preventive measures. “We are not going to use text carts in advance. We will use them if it turns out to be really necessary, we do not assume that in advance.” However, the municipality does use hostesses and hosts to guide people and help them. If many pickpockets are active on King’s Day, they should draw the attention of visitors in the city to this.

Also read: 1200 agents deployed for a royal visit to Maastricht
