Juventus: two mayors resign

After the approval of the budget, two mayors resign for “personal and professional reasons”

Two members of the Juventus board of statutory auditors have resigned for “personal and professional” reasons. We are talking about Maria Cristina Zoppo and Alessandro Forte. As reported in the official note of the club “the choice matured after the shareholders’ meeting on 27 December 2022 which approved the financial statements as at 30 June 2022 and which constitutes the end of a cycle of activities of the Board of Statutory Auditors”.


The alternate auditors Maria Luisa Mosconi and Roberto Pertignani were appointed in their place, taken from the list presented by Exor. Both will remain in office until the next shareholders’ meeting on 18 January, the one in which the new board of directors of the company will take office, following the resignation of Andrea Agnelli and all the outgoing board members. As already known, the new president of Juventus will be Gianluca Ferrero. While the managing director who will replace Maurizio Arrivabene will be Maurizio Scanavino, who has already been operating in the role of general manager in recent weeks. They are both trusted men of John Elkann, who wanted a new caretaker government at the head of the company to better manage the defense against false accounting allegations made in cases of capital gains and salary maneuvers during the Covid period.
