Julian Lennon finds ‘Yesterday’ scene with his father ‘strange’





Julian Lennon has criticized a scene from the film “Yesterday” that portrays his father – who in a parallel reality did not die in 1980, but as an old man (and without a Beatles career) eke out a happy hermit existence. This scene with John Lennon ruined the movie Yesterday (2019) for Julian. He enjoyed the film until the appearance of his father (played by Robert Carlyle), but describes that moment as “weird” and “unnecessary”. The film’s director, Danny Boyle, later admitted that this scene divided the fan community.

In the YouTube format “Hiking with Kevin” Of Kevin Nealson, Julian Lennon said: “I really liked the movie ‘Yesterday’ until they gave this weird impression of what Dad would look like in his 70’s or 80’s or whatever on a Scottish or Irish island. That messed up the whole movie for me.” He then added, “I didn’t get it. It wasn’t necessary for me I guess. And it was just weird.”

In “Yesterday,” Jack Malik (Himesh Patel) wakes up one morning to find that he has found himself in a world where no one remembers the music of The Beatles. So he decides to give their music to the people on his behalf. So the story takes its course and at some point he meets a man who lives in old age in a remote house on the beach. This man turns out to be John Lennon (Robert Carlyle) and they talk for a few minutes. Lennon is not successful, but happy, as he says himself, and he has also found the woman of his life and has grown old with her: Yoko Ono.

Director Danny Boyle said after the film’s premiere, “When we tested the film, there were some people who didn’t like the scene at all. But other people like them enormously. We call it a ‘Marmite scene’ in the UK. It divides people very clearly.” He is referring to the spread “Marmite”, which is either loved or hated. In the UK, “Marmite” was temporarily marketed with the slogan “Love it or Hate it”.




