‘Doodsteek three times for the industry’

Of lesser afhankelijk te be from Russia besloot Vivaldi in Maart om de omslag naar groene energie te versnellen. In the first place by the wind park near Zee uit te Breiden. Minister of Energy Tinne Van der Straeten (Groen): “Energy is given as a symbol. Our best verdediging zijn de windmolens in the Noordzee. We can use Russian oil and gas by the Belgian wind, zone and large water. Thank you for changing the wind at sea, we worry about the North Sea area for the first time, for more energy availability and prices.”

Maar om de Noordzee om te bouwen tot de “largest duurzame energiecentrale van het land”, he urgently needs a known node around Ventilus, de new hoogspanningslijn the electricity from the wind parken op zee dirting het inland moet moet vervoeren. Netbeheerder Elia wil the bovengronds. Een reeks West-Vlaamse buurtcomités verzet zich. Also the strongholds of the drunk people – Ardooie, Brugge, Lichtervelde, Izegem, Oostkamp, ​​Torhout, Wingene and Zedelgem – iron and ondergrondse hoogspanningslijn. Het gaat vooral om cd&v’ers.


Het is aan de Vlaamse regering om snel de knoop door te hooken. A year ago, the minister of Omgeving Zuhal Demir (N-VA) and the director responsible, Guy Vloebergh, said that the dossier was clear. Volgens Elia is technically onmogelijk om the hoogspanningslijn onder de ground te stop.

The task of the manager is clear, but Vloebergh will be done in the future. Hij somt de pro’s en contra’s van both opties op. All this brings with it high sea costs and a large contract with me. Tegen 2028 should the valve be clear on the electricity from the Belgian wind farms in te vervoeren.

A protest board at the Hoogspanningslijn in Wingene.Beeld Wouter Van Vooren

Federal minister Van der Straeten verhoogt nu de druk. “Wind at Zee does not care about all of the large heights of electricity, it is now going to have 14,000 jobs and 24,000 jobs by 2030. A good economic value is linked to this”, benadrukt ze. “Daarom is the van levensnoodzakelijk concern that vergunningen tijdig been aangeleverd. When he said that there was an increase in the flow of electricity, he was told that it was going to be a long-term problem for the Belgian offshore industry. 10,000 jobs that never come in dozens of jobs. The economic development that is happening in West-Vlaanderen is then on hold.”

Van der Straeten stated that it had its own indication that it was “obvious to be informed” that the burgers were going to be informed and correctly vergoed as being a hindrance.

Belgium is a wereldspeler op het vlak van wind energy at sea. Na tien jaar development will be België per indoor wereldwijd tweede voor wind op zee. With a new ‘energy island’, a construction of the Princess Elisabeth zone for wind farms totals 3.5 gigawatts and has a capacity of ‘repowering’ from the first wind turbines for large examples of the capacity of the Noordzee region in 2040 totaling 8 gigawatts . That’s about 6 gigawatts of sea in vandaag.
